I am starting to figure out what it is... we have some manuals that tonight and yesterday I finally started to read (pretty gross stuff). We have been doing field work in the village - walking around in an organized way with family member translators asking people about the way they live and making maps of water sources/ latrines (they appear to be next to each other but tomorrow we will be looking at them). We figured out what people do with their time and how they make money (farming). When asked about their problems people say money but most seem happy and most seem to eat (yam & Kassava).
Yesterday we split up and visited a bunch of offices in the government to see what is going on. We all found interesting stuff which we shared today. It was hard to focus. We presented an edited audio clip from our interview of a guy who works for the Ghana Aids Commission. He spoke about how people in Ghana with HIV/Aids are basically shunned by society because of the association between the disease and filth/ Prostitution. Sex is very hidden, couples do not hold hands or kiss in public. I figured out why my parents here are so against me going to the spot (the bar). Because it is associated with finding sexual partners, not entertainment. (They also don't believe in drinking.) I will try to post the audio.
We are doing little projects - me and my partner are going to try to do a play/ musical/possibly and adaptation of "the point" -harry nilsson- with middle school aged kids we decided today.
Also doing another project - I am doing an audio show of other peoples projects - making soap, herbal medicine/ traditional healer, the deaf & mentally ill. We'll see what happens.