We had a feast today that felt like the show Top Chef. For some reason we had a cooking afternoon where we were all in 3 person teams with 3 to one site. Two judges watched the whole time to monitor our progress and then 5 Taste testers came for the final tasting.
My team went with the local favorite and made fried yam and kentumari (coco yam leaf) with stew (ground up aketewe which is some kind of seed that is delicious, tomato, onion, ginger, pepper, egg). At the last moment I decided it would be a great pasta sauce and boiled up some spaghetti. Popcorn was made after that.
Another team made a fajita concoction and tortillas which was quite tasty. The last team in our area made a tuna melt with a fruit salad and ice cream a la mode which was a very challenging choice but a slam dunk. I drank the leftovers from the fruit salad and people thought it was strange which I thought was strange which in turn was strange they said.