I came home late one night. Everyone was in bed. I walked into my room and saw a huge spider in the middle of the floor. I stared awhile. It was a harmless wall spider, but he wasn't on the wall... I decided I had to use the latrine. I went outside and started walking toward it. I saw something move in the distance, like a small animal. I stopped and thought about whether I really had to go. Then I heard drumming.... coming from the Latrine area... so I turned around and went back inside deciding that indeed I was probably just scared of that spider. Speaking of - he had moved. I wondered why he had moved, and if it was because he knew I had left the room... and then I looked at my window shutter and noticed some herb stuck inside of it. I thought that was just too strange and leapt into my bed through the mosquito net. I started to read and then a huge moth started flying above my net making lots of noise. I turned out the light and concluded it was bedtime. I slept fine.
In the morning the spider had almost gotten out the door until my sister tried to sweep him out the door and he ran back inside. I told my language class the funny story and then it was told at a staff meeting and someone took it very seriously and sent someone to check it out to make sure I was safe! (I asked my family about the drums - it's just a guy not quite right in the mind who lives nearby, don't worry, he practices drumming every night.) According to the Peace Corps people we aren't supposed to be telling stories like this or when we join the 'I Pooped My Pants Club' because you guys might worry about us but I think it's too funny and you're made of tougher stuff, right?