Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Curse on The Generator

e were editing every night at a friends Video Show. Feeling seriously productive for a change... when... someone cursed the generator. Why? No one knows but the curse has been confirmed by an elder who didn't want to get involved in the Why. The word is that this Generator must be traded since it will never-work-here-again. But even after the trade they don't want to use it here. What will we do? It makes me question it all...

But guess what - I got a text message while at the art show. "Thank god we got a generator. When are you coming?"

Update: They have a new generator. Video shows are back on to every ones elated cries- and they have competition. Which is why the generator was cursed. The curser has started his own video show. It's only a matter of time before he can get enough chickens to make another curse...